Beloved ones, in a life filled with activity and jobs, what is most important is to partner with Me in all that you do.   How do you do that? You partner with Me each and every day that you take time to sit with Me, seek Me and listen for My wisdom and My heart.   As you settle in and become one with My heart, it soaks the seeds that I have planted within you to grow and bring forth life – The kind of life that stems from abiding in Me, partnering with Me in producing the fruit of My goodness in whatever you do each day.   Is it a thought, a prayer, a kind word or deed? Is it a request for help, a perception of My Word, or a helping hand? In so many ways you partner with Me when your life issues out of spending time with Me. Thank you for volunteering dear one, thank you for sharing a part of My burden to touch a hurting world.

Mr 3:13 And he went up into a mountain, and called unto him whom he would: and they came unto him.




Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.

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