Beloved one, during the harvest of all that is ripe on the earth, you know all that can be shaken will be shaken. Sometimes threshing the grain from the chaff is a violent process. Do not be caught in the rip tide of those who are being drawn from their faith, from their holdings in My Word. Hold on tight and do not let go of My promises. Walk close to Me and remain obedient to your conscience. Align yourself with My Word and you will walk in peace.

My eye is always on you, you are the very center core of My thoughts and heart to keep you. I watch over every detail of your life. Your faith is important to your stability. I have prayed for you that your faith not fail. Do not give reason for the adversary to reproach and always remember that whatever is not of faith … is sin.

This is a time for men to acknowledge that what they sow, they reap and the results will teach them to fear Me. Repent of gambling with your conscience, of stepping over the boundaries of safety and dabbling with carnality. The sooner you stop gambling in unscriptural choices, the sooner the shakings will stop and a brand new beginning is waiting for you with My loving mercy.

Heb 12:25-29 NLT
See to it that you obey God, the one who is speaking to you. For if the people of Israel did not escape when they refused to listen to Moses, the earthly messenger, how terrible our danger if we reject the One who speaks to us from heaven! When God spoke from Mount Sinai his voice shook the earth, but now he makes another promise”Once again I will shake not only the earth but the heavens also.” This means that the things on earth will be shaken, so that only eternal things will be left. Since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be destroyed, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe. For our God is a consuming fire.



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.

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