Beloved ones, you have been given your sight. You have tasted the sweetness of your future promises and you are rushing to get there! What you do not understand is that you have an entire company moving there with you. You are not alone, I AM bringing the masses of My people into the new land of their promises.

You may be on the forefront of breaking through into new areas for expansion, but if you change, grow and move too fast, it will bring too much strain upon those who are helping others make the transitions. You need to pray in more help for bigger teams, more provision for those teams, and be willing to move at a slower pace so that you can bring the masses with you. Stay united, stick together and wait for increased teamwork to solidify and reassemble. Help will come. New alliances will connect for stronger reinforcements. Listen to the warning signs and heed them lest all that you have built crumble with the load.

Eccl 4:12 NKJV
Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Lifeā€¦ and He died for you.

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