There are times when in solitude, away from the world’s escapes and people, that a deep sorrow rises from your heart and you dont understand it. It is like a grief that squeezes your soul. There is a yearning, a longing accompanying it, that draws you to Me in a bittersweet way. I know that you do not understand these feelings, but you recognize them.
Beloved, you are yoked with Me and My Spirit dwells within you. What you are feeling is the grief of My Spirit as I grieve over what has fallen in your life. When you willingly turn your back on Me and choose to sin, it wounds Me. I see the long term ramification of how your choices ravage not only your life, but also affect many people, even the destinies of the lives you could have touched had you walked differently. You do not walk alone, but are a part of My body and intimately connected.
Sometimes negative reinforcement is the only way to gain your attention. Sorrow and grief are not pleasant, but the memory of its taste is easily brought to mind.
I AM allowing you to feel a small portion of what I feel, so that it produces a Godly sorrow that leads you to repentance, salvation and deliverance. This sorrow will drive you to turn your life into making different choices and do what you can to make things right.
2 Cor 7:10-12 NLT
For God can use sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin and seek salvation. We will never regret that kind of sorrow. But sorrow without repentance is the kind that results in death. Just see what this godly sorrow produced in you! Such earnestness, such concern to clear yourselves, such indignation, such alarm, such longing to see me, such zeal, and such a readiness to punish the wrongdoer. You showed that you have done everything you could to make things right.
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.