Dear hearts there are many places where I AM trying to reach you to help solve your problems. Some of these issues are not finding the breakthrough they need because of your mindsets and grooves in past patterns. Some of these issues are not resolved because you are not swallowing all of My ways that are in scripture. Consider using the same resources you have in a different way. Consider moving, consider searching for new tools, consider new doors. Learn to become more intuitive in how you think, so that you are more open to My Spirit to give you discernment. Discernment and wisdom to separate matters is available for your asking. Return to Your Source beloved ones. Pray and ask, and expect My help. I AM Creative power and I AM with you to assist you.
Isa 65:17B-18A NKJV
And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create.
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Lifeā¦ and He died for you.