Dear ones, rejoice for it is the season to rise! I am breathing upon you and lifting you up by the refreshing winds of My Spirit. Up, Up, Up you shall rise and be carried without effort. Your faith shall rise, your joy shall arise as you shed the weights of this world and experience the unfolding of My plan.
My plan is justice. I AM the God of Justice. Your prayers have ascended up to Me and I have witnessed the injustices done to you. Dearly beloveds My very throne is inhabited by what is right and just. I have seen all the injustice the enemy has done and I AM overturning these. I have overruled and will right the wrongs. I will bring forth righteousness and justice like the noon day sun.
Psalm 103:6 The LORD executes righteousness and justice for all that are oppressed.
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.