My beloved Bride, pack all your cares away and leave them with Me. Lean heavily upon Me as you sup with your roots grounded in My love. I understand your weaknesses and feelings of vulnerabilities, I also once walked the earth, you know. Always remember, it is not about your own power, but My power working through you. As you experience your weakness, draw deeply from our well and never retreat. I AM moving you forward into your place. I AM sending you and preparing you for leadership. Now trust Me.

Right now your emotions seem to be up and down and all around. I also understand this and want you to understand. As I AM moving you into your place, I AM also doing heart surgery. I AM opening a way through your heart of stone, this heart that is well barricaded with years of mortar for protection. I AM knocking upon the door of your heart with yearnings and wooing and tender caresses, I AM drawing you with the fragrance of My poignant spices. As you enter into this new place, you will be overcome with the rich smell of My Presence and passionate longings to embrace your heart. As you finally let go and let the climax of our union come to fruition, your heart will pulse once again. This stone of an existence you once knew will spring to life and pulsate with vibrant color and rich sounds that are unique to you.

Watch now, as I move you into the new beginnings with growing foundations that are solid, healthy and strong. Your hearts are becoming tenderized after many years of loss, pain, tragedy and sorrow. Allow Me access to do this work within you I greatly rejoice in you, My beloved ones, – always.

I understand this is greatly disconcerting to you, – to feel so vulnerable and without protection. You see the risks of loss and can not fathom a recovery should a tragedy take place. Precious one, know that I AM the Great Doctor. I do all things well. I will not abandon you, I will never leave you, I AM your destiny. Yes, volunteer love is different than the security of legal contracts. Consider this, that I too have weighed the risks and I have chosen to love you as you are, to embrace you as My own, and to call you My friend. Love is like that.

Ezek 11:19-21 NKJV
Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh,20 that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgments and do them; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God.



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.

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